Saturday, July 11, 2015

Final Push To Achieve MDGs And Create Sustainable Post-2015 Development Agenda 15

ISPE       EAG

Briefing # 1: Post 2015 and FfD Processes – Answer How Questions Now.
Global Call to World Leaders, Representatives of 193 UN Member States, 9 Major Groups, other CSOs’ and other Stakeholders.
By Lanre Rotimi and Charles Sheke.                                                                  10 July 2015

Since the adoption of the Final Push to achieve MDG by 2015 and Post 2015 Development Agenda Initiative and in the run up to the Finance for Development, FfD Conference Addis July 2015 where decision will be taken on FfD Zero Draft and UN Global Assembly September 2015 where decision will be taken on the Post 2015 Zero Draft, discussion has grown more intense to develop the two Zero Drafts into a proper Strategy that is sufficiently robust – all inclusive, all embracing and ambitious to help achieve increasing convergence between National Vision Ambitions of each of the 193 UN Member States, each of the Continental / Regional Vision Ambitions as well as the Global / World Vision Ambitions. However, if all concerned Stakeholders at each level – Village to Global are to jointly translate the ambitions of each Strategy into Practice and Reality, appropriate ACTION Steps will need to be taken in time in other to realize these ambitions on successful and sustainable basis. Let us consider what changes in the two Zero Drafts would have to be made in order to deliver on the Strategy’s ambitions:

What are the Ambitions of the Post 2015 and FfD Zero Drafts?

The FfD Zero Draft and Post 2015 Zero Draft are two sides of the same coin – Sustainable Development Goals, SDG Initiatives. The overarching objectives of the SDG Initiatives are Poverty Elimination and Environmental Sustainability, that is, the main strategic objective of SDG Initiative is to End Hunger and Poverty, in ways that protect the Environment by the 2030 target date. This would be achieved through establishing an enhanced partnership between all relevant Stakeholders at each level - Village to Global with a stronger Political Dimension, which would constitute the turning point in the relationship between Partners at each level – Village to Global. In order to achieve this ambition, the Institutional Framework of Partnership at each level should be adapted to allow for (1) a strengthened Political Dialogue adapted to the ambitions of the New Strategy and in ways that help find answer to HOW Questions in the two Zero Drafts. (2) the effective implementation of all Items in the Action Agenda of each of the SDGs’ and in ways that help implement answer to HOW Questions with effective monitoring and evaluation of this implementation in the Strategy at all levels – Village to Global.

Learning Lessons

In the ongoing FfD and Post 2015 Processes, there is much talk within and outside the UN about ambitious transformation agenda. However, it appears negotiations is falling short of ensuring talk deliver ACTION that help move Stakeholders at each level – Village to Global from where they are now in 2015 and where they need to be in 2030, if there is to be increasing convergence between Strategy Intention and Reality by the Target date.
Since the FfD and Post 2015 Processes started Giant Strides have been made but much more remains to be done if Strategy that achieve required level of Transformation by 2030 Target date is to be Designed and Delivered.
The FfD Zero Draft and Post 2015 Zero Draft in its latest version still answer only What and Why questions. It is yet to include answer to How questions. As long as this flaw remains uncorrected, the probability of achieving increasing convergence between Strategy Intention and Reality is low. Allowed to occur, the ultimate consequences for Citizens in both Developed and Developing Countries – all 193 UN Member Countries, is likely to be catastrophe.
This flaw exists as reoccurring decimal in these Zero Draft versions probably because Lessons Learning is progressing at the same rate as Lessons Forgetting. As long as Stakeholders at each level – Village to Global to not make deliberate and effective effort to Build Bridge between Lessons Learning and Lessons Forgetting, this flaw will remain as reoccurring decimal in the final FfD Zero Draft that will be agreed at the Addis Conference in July 2015 and the final Post 2015 Zero Draft that will be agreed at the UN General Assembly in September 2015.
It is pertinent to note that the FfD Process is essentially about SDG Goal 17. If Lessons has been Learnt from the MDG Gap Reports particularly the focus on full implementation with effective monitoring and evaluation of MDG Gap Reports 2013 and 2014 Reports, many areas of disagreement in the FfD Process will not exist and a FfD Zero Draft that help achieve SDG Vision Ambition Intention and Reality will be easier to negotiate and agree.

It is pertinent to note further that the UK Independent Commission on Aid Impact, ICAI Report May 2015 ICAI on DFID’s work with Business gave DFID poor rating. In earlier April 2014 ICAI report on How DFID learns, DFID also got poor rating with caveat that it is the Best Performing UK Agency when it comes to Organization Learning, that is, ICAI itself is not better than DFID when it comes to Organization Learning. The Big Question is if any UN Family Organization Member including World Bank Group Institutions and IMF; or any entity of any Developed or developing Country in our World today, is each subject to the same level of scrutiny, which of them can score better than DFID in its work with Business and or How it Learns?

As long as ongoing FfD Process does not actually learn lessons from Lessons Learnt in MDG Gap Reports, particularly those of 2013 and 2014, the Final FfD Zero Draft agreed will be impotent to address FfD Issues in the Post 2015 Development Agenda. As long as Post 2015 Process does not actually learn lessons from Lessons Learnt in MDG Reports, as well as relevant Conference Reports, Study Reports and Position Papers, the Final Post 2015 Zero Draft agreed will be impotent to address Post 2015 Issues in the Post 2015 Development Agenda. This will be unfortunate with ultimate catastrophe consequences for Village to Global Stakeholders as real probability. 


Why is Synthesis Report and Data Revolution Report not Implemented?

The UN Secretary General’s Data Revolution Report was released 6 November 2014. Had its recommendations been effectively accommodated in the FfD Zero Draft and Post 2015 Zero Draft, addressing Data Challenges in the two Zero Drafts will be much easier. The UN Secretary General’s Synthesis Report was released 4 December 2014. Had its recommendations been effectively accommodated in the FfD Zero Draft and Post 2015 Zero Draft, addressing each Item Action Agenda in each of the SDG 17 Goals will be much easier.
It appears some Member States and other Stakeholders do not want these two important Reports implemented. There is urgent need to find out why this is the case and take corrective measures. It is clear that has Stakeholder Dialogue been enriched by content of the two reports since January 2015, the content of each of the two Zero Drafts in July 2015 would have been much richer. It would be beneficial to all concerned Stakeholders at each level – Village to Global, if this act of omission or commission is corrected without delay.


Revising SDGs’ Goals and Targets

The 8 July version of Post 2015 Zero Draft states that there are 17 Goals and 169 Targets. The SDG has been locked at 17 Goals such that the Goals cannot be revised. But the targets are still open for revision. Some credible calls have been made for the revision of the Goals, particularly the unbundling of Goal 16 and the creation of New Goals. The logic of the calls are recognized but the request denied on the grounds that some Member States have threatened that the entire Goal 16 will be expunged if any attempt is made to revise the SDG.
The Big Question is Do Stakeholders want the SDG to succeed or not? If Stakeholders want the SDG strategy to succeed on sustainable basis, then all that is possible needs to be done to achieve this aim. Thus as long as the logic is credible and capable of doing greatest good to greatest number, it will be beneficial to reopen the Goals. For example, if World Leaders are serious about Fighting Corruption, then Goal 16 should be unbundled to focus only on Governance while separate Goals are created for Corruption and Conflict Resolution to better address issues of Terrorism, Intra State Wars and Inter State Wars. Also separate Goals need to be created for Data to better address Data Challenge in each of the SDG and Religion Affairs to better address Religious Matters in each of the SDG. This will expand the SDG to 21 and accompanying Targets will have to be worked out.
We had earlier made submission in this regard. Should the suggestion resonate positively with enough Stakeholders, there is no reason why the suggested New Goal 16 and related 4 New Goals cannot be negotiated and agreed. It is clear that those who insist that the SDG cannot be revised while the Post 2015 Process is still ongoing are doing so in bad faith and most probably benefiting from the current Decayed Systems feeding National and International Corruption.

Please find statement from a UNECE Senior Official “The UN is a member driven organization. The member states decide what is corruption, how to fight it and how the UN can help. I am here to comply with these rules as my view is one of 7 billion. This is no UN Dictatorship no UN Marines who will persecute you. The UN Security Council is the only body who can. So UN lives and strives to consensus by the member states. If you want to change our work; your and other governments can help us. No other way, that's the transparent rules the member states, including yourself, have dictated us”.
It is clear that without achieving Corruption Free Society in any of the 193 Member States, seeking to achieve SDG Vision Ambition in that Country will be a mirage; that the view of this UNECE Senior Official needs to be taken seriously and that revising the SDG as suggested can help addresses these fundamental issues.

What is the Role for Parliaments?

“As has been stressed in the EU Strategy for Africa and elsewhere, parliaments are the guarantors of democratic legitimacy and are key actors in European Development Policy. It is vital that the national, regional and continental parliaments of Africa should be consulted fully on the preparation of the Joint Strategy, but this is a process that must be initiated independently by our African Partners. The Commission therefore wishes to urge Parliament to engage in dialogue with the Commission of the Africa Union to ensure that it actively consults the Pan African Parliament as soon as possible on the development of the Joint Strategy. It is essential that the Pan African Parliament should make its Voice heard on its Vision for the Joint Strategy and that it should provide the necessary positive momentum to enable the national and regional African Parliament to participate fully in the debates. Any Joint Action between the European Parliament and the Pan African Parliament would be welcome in this regard”.
Mr. Louis Michel, European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid on EU Africa Strategy 2007
The fundamental issues raised by Mr. Michel are as relevant today as when he made the statement in 2007, particularly in those Countries and Regions that have Parliaments but also in those Countries that do not practice Democracy – they must find a way to improve Citizen / Stakeholder Participation within their Countries as well as Internationally at Regional and Global levels.
It is pertinent to note that many National and Regional Parliaments are not alive to their responsibilities and this is not just a problem on Developing Countries sides. For example had the European Parliament been more effective and productive, many of the problems facing Europe today will not exist and it would deliver sustainable benefits to Europe and its Partners Worldwide. Also, had the US Parliament been more effective and productive the decay in the US Foreign Aid Apparatus, Security System, Health System, Financial System etc would not exist or would have been effectively and efficiently overhauled long ago with sustainable benefits to US and its Partners Worldwide.
There is a need to ensure that Parliaments within Countries at Local to National levels and Parliaments at International levels Sub-regional, Regional and Global perform at minimum certain levels Worldwide. At present there is no Global Parliament. We understand that the Leadership of the UN support at least one effort at establishing a Global Parliament. There is a need to ensure that this support translates into an effective and efficient Global Parliament within the first 5 years of implementing the SDG.

What are the How Questions?

In the circumstance Developed and Developing Countries find ourselves today, the more Transparent and Accountable the System we collectively put in place to “Leave No One Behind” and to design and deliver “People Centred” “Policy, program, Project Interventions”, the more successful and sustainable the effort to overhaul the current decayed Systems will be. 

UNDESA, UNNLGS, other UN Family Organization Members including World Bank Group and IMF and Partners on Developed and Developing Countries sides will find its effort more productive, if it works effectively with other stakeholders, within existing space to help address Transparency, Accountability and Participation, TAP; Evaluation, Learning and Result, ELR and Means of Implementation, MOI Issues as One within One Worldwide Approach with Local Context Driving Design and Delivery of Post 2015 and FfD Processes Interventions from Village to Global levels.

Our World today, need to re-establish existing National and International Institutions and also establish new National and International Institutions fit for the 21st Century who individually and collectively promote and protect WIN - WIN Benefits that Drive Common Interest and Common Future of Citizens in the over 200 Countries in our World today. That is, we need a New World Vision within reinforced and reinvigorated FfD Process and Post 2015 Process that address all issues raised in this Policy Brief.

To contribute effectively and efficiently to the important work towards the Design and Delivery of this New World Vision, the Big Challenge that face UNDESA, UNNLGS, other UN Family Organization Members including World Bank Group and IMF and Partners on Developed and Developing Countries sides is effectively Mobilizing Village to Global Stakeholders in FfD and Post 2015 Processes to answer a set of HOW Questions:-
1. HOW governments will constructively engage with all relevant stakeholders in the implementation of the post-2015 agenda, as well as in the follow-up and review and accountability of the Post-2015 agenda – Post 2015 and FfD Processes, and at all levels and stages of review processes - including design of accountability mechanisms and verification of data”. The focus of this HOW question is on Government Coordination.

2. HOW do Stakeholders – sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global correctly diagnose the national and global problems on the ground and JOINTLY come up with correct prescription, surgery and recover management solutions in ways that answer the above HOW question. The focus of this HOW question is on Stakeholder Involvement that is, Citizen / Stakeholder Participation.

3. HOW to Design and Deliver Solutions to real and complex problems on the ground within:-
·        Filling the awareness raising, mobilization, planning, research, data, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, learning, results and partnership gaps and disconnect at sub-national, national, regional and global levels.
·        Promoting and protecting harmony, alignment, accountability, transparency, transformation, leadership, learning, participation, result and amplification of voices of Nigeria and other Countries – Developed and Developing / Africa and other Continents / World grassroots and marginalized communities’ expectations and realities on Nigeria President Buhari  National Transformation Agenda that is an Integral Part of AU Agenda 2063 and UN Post 2015 Development Agenda to sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global policies, programs and projects, in a way that builds synergy and maximizes resources and efforts and that help find answers to HOW questions in all relevant Conference Reports, Study Reports and Position Papers. The National Transformation Agenda of other Countries and Continents will be integrated into the Process.
·        Ensuring credibility and ownership of Nigeria President Buhari  National Transformation Agenda that is an Integral Part of AU Agenda 2063 and UN Post 2015 Development Agenda processes, reports and reviews through multi-stakeholder monitoring and evaluation at sub-national, national, regional and global levels. The National Transformation Agenda of other Countries and Continents will be integrated into the Process. The focus of this HOW question is Achieving Ambition of each Item Action Agenda in all 17 / 21 SDG.

Urgent Need to Select One Worldwide Approach

It will be recalled that the Synthesis Report has recommended a One Worldwide Approach for implementing its recommendations. It is clear that a One Worldwide Approach is a necessary condition for full implementation of all recommendations in Data Revolution Report, Synthesis Report, FfD Zero Draft and Post 2015 Zero Draft as well as complimentary Reports within SDG Initiative, recommendations in ways that help achieve increasing convergence between FfD Zero Draft and Post 2015 Zero Draft Intention and Reality.

If concerned Stakeholders genuinely accept to tackle the Challenge of finding correct answer to HOW Questions and in ways that help achieve increasing convergence between FfD Zero Draft and Post 2015 Zero Draft as well as complimentary Reports within SDG Initiative Vision Intention and Reality then UNDESA, UNNGLS other UN Family Organization Members including World Bank Group and IMF and Partners need to recognize that there is urgent need to ensure that a “One Worldwide Approach” with “Local Context” that is “Fit for Purpose” is selected without delay.

We suggest that selection is based on the most advance known “One Worldwide Approach” with clear “Principles, Instruments corresponding to each Principle, Practices and Database” that ensures critical principles of “Transparency, Accountability and Participation, TAP; Evaluation, Learning and Results, ELR and Means of Implementation, MOI as One” cannot and will not be left behind in the work towards achieving increasing convergence between Final Push to achieve MDG by 2015 and Post 2015 Development Agenda Vision Intention and Reality.

The FfD Conference Addis July 2015 is a Global Forum where Delegates can take decision on this selection of a One Worldwide Approach, given benefits such selection can make in the work towards improving the Development Impact of the FfD and Post 2015 Processes.


3PCM Approach

The Policy, Program, Project Cycle Management, 3PCM Approach to Benefit focused National and International Development Cooperation. 3PCM is probably the most advance such One Worldwide Approach in the World today and it is available to Stakeholders. Information on 3PCM is available upon request.

The SDG Initiative is All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious. It requires a One Worldwide Approach with Local Context that is also All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious. It will be helpful if Delegates to FfD Conference Addis July 2015 at appropriate Event during the Conference put all known such Worldwide Approaches on the table and select the Best that could help achieve increasing convergence between FfD Zero Draft, Post 2015 Zero Draft, Synthesis Report, Data Revolution Report and related Reports within the SDG Initiative Vision Intention and Reality.


At this stage in the debate leading to the FfD Conference Addis July 2015 and UN General Assembly September 2015, it is already crucial to think ahead and consider proactively the follow up. Key points such as taking decision on the One Worldwide Approach; ensuring that answer to HOW questions are found; ensuring that found answer to HOW questions are fully implemented with effective monitoring and evaluation of this implementation within the FfD Process and Post 2015 Process; the place of each Village to Global Stakeholder in existing and required newly established Village to Global Institutional Arrangements at each level; the creation of dedicated envelope for each level – Village to Global that can be systematically and jointly programmed by concerned Stakeholders at each level; the modalities for implementation; the modalities for monitoring and evaluation / follow up and review and the place of Civil Society and other relevant Stakeholders cannot just be left to happen, but need to be actively discussed and established and on time.

Lanre Rotimi
Director General
International Society for Poverty Elimination /
Economic Alliance Group
Akure – Nigeria
West Africa

M: +234-8162469805

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